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The lecture “Blended CBT for Depression: Transforming Mental Healthcare – Insights from a Decade of Research and Implementation” by Dr. Anneke van Schaik, Lisa Kooistra and Mayke Nol is part of the monthly scientific (hybrid) meetings of the department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam UMC . Each 3rd Thursday there will be a lecture from 16-17h, followed by drinks.

Over the past ten years, researchers from GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam UMC, and the clinical psychology department at VU have conducted groundbreaking studies on the use of blended cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression in specialized mental healthcare. This scientific meeting will showcase the impact of these studies on treatment practices.

Anneke van Schaik, MD, PhD, will delve into the implementation process and introduce a newly funded implementation study by ZonMw. Lisa Kooistra, PhD and GZ psychologist, will highlight findings from two cost-effectiveness studies, while Mayke Mol, PhD and GZ psychologist, will share insights from the European Mastermind implementation study, emphasizing the therapist’s role in the process.

Join us for this engaging session to discover how blended CBT is shaping the future of mental health treatment.


Location: Grote onderwijsruimte, Oldenaller 1, Amsterdam (close to the VUmc)

Online: Physical attendance is encouraged, but there is online opportunity. 

Accreditation: We have good news for psychiatrists and also now for psychologists/behavioral therapists/ Pedagogues and system therapists. Only they are required to fill in the registration form (link to be created) and afterwards the evaluation form in order to be eligible for accreditation. You also have to sign the attendance list (when you are on location) and evaluation form afterwards. If you don’t do this you will not receive your accreditation point.

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