Global study pinpoints genes for depression across ethnicities
Global study pinpoints genes for depression across ethnicities New genetic risk factors for depression have been identified across all major [...]
ZonMw funds DORES study for research on suicidality and resuscitation
ZonMw funds DORES study for research on suicidality and resuscitation Psychiatrist and researcher Sisco van Veen [...]
New funding for research on sustainable use of psychotropic medications
New funding for research on sustainable use of psychotropic medications Psychiatrist and researcher Jurjen Luykx has [...]
Stress Navigation, podcast with Brenda Penninx
Stress Navigation podcast with Brenda Penninx on studying depression, anxiety and the Stress in Action Project Depression [...]
Annual report 2023 online!
Annual report 2023 online! Our annual report of 2023 is available! In this report you can read [...]
Societal cost-benefit analysis in care for anxiety and compulsive disorders
Societal cost-benefit analysis in care for anxiety and compulsive disorders: Prevention saves nearly 10 million euros Without timely and adequate [...]
The impact of anxiety disorders is sky-high, but it can be reduced
The impact of anxiety disorders is sky-high, but it can be reduced The biggest challenge of anxiety disorders is their [...]
Publication: Targeted memory reactivation to augment treatment in post-traumatic stress disorder
Targeted memory reactivation to augment treatment in post-traumatic stress disorder In a new study published on [...]
VENI grant for Thomaz Bastiaanssen ‘Examining microbiome-immuno-metabolic pathways in depressive and anxiety disorders’
VENI grant for Thomaz Bastiaanssen ‘Examining microbiome-immuno-metabolic pathways in depressive and anxiety disorders’ Thomaz Bastiaanssen has been [...]
Farewell lecture prof. dr. Ralph Kupka
Farewell lecture prof. dr. Ralph Kupka Ralph Kupka is stepping down as Professor of Bipolar Disorders. [...]
Publication: The metabolome-wide signature of major depressive disorder
The metabolome-wide signature of major depressive disorder Dr. Rick Jansen. dr. Yuri Milaneschi and prof. dr. [...]
De Nacht van…Sisco van Veen & Femke Lamers
De Nacht van...Sisco van Veen & Femke Lamers NPO Radio 1 – De nacht van...22 April [...]
People with depression and anxiety often smoke more: higher risk of lung cancer
People with depression and anxiety often smoke more: higher risk of lung cancer People who struggle [...]
World’s largest study on metabolism-related genetic factors: New associations between blood biomarkers and diseases
New associations between blood biomarkers and diseases have been uncovered in the world's largest study on metabolism-related genetic factors. [...]
Funding for DESTRESS. More focus on stress: healthy for individuals and organisations
More focus on stress: healthy for employees and organisations Amsterdam UMC and a variety of partners [...]
Publication: New insight on effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs
New insight on effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs Prof. dr. Christiaan Vinkers and dr. Jurjen Luykx have [...]
Hein van Marle receives Hersenstichting grant
Hein van Marle receives Hersenstichting grant Psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Hein van Marle, together with colleagues [...]
Blue Monday Run: MARIO raises €2800
Blue Monday Run: MARIO raises €2800 On Monday January 15, better known as Blue Monday, staff [...]
Thank you, Aartjan Beekman
Aartjan Beekman stepped down as head of the Department of Psychiatry Scroll down for English [...]
Amsterdam UMC Starter Grant for Almar Kok
Amsterdam UMC Starter grant for studying functional recovery after late-life depression Almar Kok, assistant professor at [...]
Amsterdam UMC Starter Grant for Yuri Milaneschi
Amsterdam UMC Starter grant for study into Immuno-Metabolic Depression Yuri Milaneschi, assistant professor at Amsterdam UMC, [...]
Neeltje Batelaan appointed Professor in Psychiatry of Anxiety related disorders
Neeltje Batelaan appointed Professor in Psychiatry of Anxiety related disorders As of December 1st 2023, Neeltje [...]
Frits Huyse Award for Annette Boenink (EAPM 2024 Congress)
Frits Huyse Award for Annette Boenink In 2024 the EAPM congress will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland. [...]
The role of self-reliance in people with psychiatric disorders
The role of self-reliance in people with psychiatric disorders Almar Kok studies the role of self-reliance in [...]
Factsheet on the key findings of the study ‘The sustainability of resilience in older persons’.
Factsheet on the key findings of the study ‘The sustainability of resilience in older persons’. A mixed-methods [...]