All Research projects
All current research projects Amsterdam UMC/VUmc Department of Psychiatry and GGZ inGeest are listed alphabetically below. You can filter on research theme by using the filter function on the right. Also, you can click on a research theme in the menu on the left for a shortlist of our r esearch projects.
Research projects Amsterdam Ageing Cohort (AAC) Research project The Amsterdam Ageing Cohort (AAC) is a naturalistic cohort study which aims to improve diagnostics in older patients and gain insight into the [...]
Research projects BLOK Research project The BLOK study aims to treat sleep disorders in older patients with mood disorders. It is conducted at the department of elderly psychiatry at GGZ inGeest. Sleep disorders [...]
Research projects BrainFit Research project BrainFit aims to study the effectivity of online cognitive training in older patients with mood disorders and subjective cognitive complaints. Also, we aim to study the [...]
Research projects CASPAR Research project Suicidal behaviour often occurs outside treatment hours, resulting in attempted or completed suicides, crisis interventions and hospital admissions. Smartphone-based safety planning and self-monitoring can provide tools [...]
Research projects Dutch Older Bipolars (DOBi) Research project DOBi (Dutch Older Bipolars) is a dynamic cohort study that provides naturalistic data on the effect of aging on cognitive functioning, physical health [...]
EarlyCause Research project It has been shown that early life stress can have long-lasting consequences on human health, and impact psychological and physiological processes later in life. Some of the diseases which are most [...]
Research projects EINSTEIN Research project Patients suffering from major depression often simultaneously meet the DSM-5 criteria for insomnia. These patients are known to have a lower quality of life and worse treatment [...]
Research projects EMOCA Research project The EMOCA study is an KWF-funded project by Prof. Joost Dekker. This project aims to identify indicators distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive emotions in patients with [...]
Research projects ENIGMA-MDD Research project ENIGMA-MDD is a working group of the ENIGMA consortium aimed at imaging markers discriminating MDD patients from healthy controls using an individual participant, data based meta-analysis. [...]
Research projects ENIGMA-OCD Research project ENIGMA-OCD is a working group of the ENIGMA consortium aimed at bringing OCD research groups together to share neuroimaging and genetic databases. Prof. Odile van den [...]
Research projects Hersenfit Research project Mono-center randomized controlled trial to study the efficacy and neuroplastic effects of three physical training conditions on mood and anxiety in Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. [...]
Research projects INFLAMED Research project Precision psychiatry: Anti-inflammatory medication in Immuno-metabolic depression (INFLAMED) Depression is a major driver of disability and related health-care costs. Available treatment options are far from optimal, with [...]
Research projects Korte Metten Met Angst (KOMMA) Research project One out of every ten individuals grapples with an anxiety-related disorder, encompassing conditions such as panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, generalized [...]
Research projects The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) Research project The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) is a scientific study to determine predictors and consequences of aging. LASA started in 1991 [...]
Research projects MARIO Research project The MARIO project (Mood And Resilience In Offsping) is a cooperation between Amsterdam UMC/VUmc and Erasmus MC and other organisations, led by prof. Brenda Penninx and [...]
Research projects MODECT Research project The MODECT project (Mood Disorders in Elderly treated with ECT) is a clinical cohort study of severely depressed elderly on the efficacy, safety and potential working mechanisms of ECT [...]
Research projects MOTAR Research project The MOTAR study (MOod Treatment with Antidepressants or Running) compares the treatment with antidepressants and runningtherapy in patients diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The study is looking into [...]
Research projects NESCIO-PD Research project NESCIO-PD is a monocenter pilot cross-over trial to assess the acceptability and feasibility of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s [...]
Research projects NESDA Research project Depression and anxiety disorders are common at all ages. Approximately one out of three people in the Netherlands will be faced with them at some time [...]
Research projects NESDO Research project NESDO, the Netherlands Study of Depression in Older persons, is a multi-site naturalistic prospective cohort study to examine the determinants, the course and the consequences of [...]
Research projects NOCDA Research project The Netherlands OCD association Study (NOCDA) was conducted from 2008-2016 and included 419 OCD patients in a multi-centre prospective study, in order to determine psychological and [...]
Research projects OPERA Research project OPERA is the Dutch study on Optimal, PERsonalized Antidepressant use. Over 1 million Dutch persons get an antidepressant medication prescribed, with depression as main indicator. The [...]
Research projects PERCIM Research project Although depression is recognized as a major public health burden, depression treatments are effective in only around two-thirds of patients. One of the likely causes for these [...]
Research projects PERSIST Research project Persistent Suicidality While most death wishes are temporary in nature and diminish upon addressing the underlying issues, there is also a substantial group of people in [...]
Research projects POINTR Research project The role of self-reliance in psychiatric disorders: The mixed-methods project “POINTR” sets out to understand individual differences Voor Nederlands – Scroll naar beneden! Latest news Download [...]