Neuropsychiatry and Soma & Psyche
Research projects NESCIO-PD Research project NESCIO-PD is a monocenter pilot cross-over trial to assess the acceptability and feasibility of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s [...]
Research projects TIPICCO Research project The TIPICCO project (TMS Induced Plasticity Improving Cognitive Control in OCD) is conducted as a joint project between the department of psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc and [...]
Stress in Action
Research projects Stress in Action Research project Bringing the science of stress to daily-life The Stress in Action (SiA) Consortium aims to gain insight into the causes and consequences of daily-life stress, and [...]
Research projects PROSPER Research project PROSPER, the Prediction and treatment outcome study in PTSD and personality disorders, is a project that takes place at the Sinai Center, a center specialized in [...]
Research projects Hersenfit Research project Mono-center randomized controlled trial to study the efficacy and neuroplastic effects of three physical training conditions on mood and anxiety in Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. [...]
Research projects ENIGMA-OCD Research project ENIGMA-OCD is a working group of the ENIGMA consortium aimed at bringing OCD research groups together to share neuroimaging and genetic databases. Prof. Odile van den [...]
Research projects EMOCA Research project The EMOCA study is an KWF-funded project by Prof. Joost Dekker. This project aims to identify indicators distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive emotions in patients with [...]
EarlyCause Research project It has been shown that early life stress can have long-lasting consequences on human health, and impact psychological and physiological processes later in life. Some of the diseases which are most [...]