

Dissertations Amsterdam UMC, department of psychiatry, location VUmc (VU University) in 20222023-12-28T16:44:25+01:00
  1. G.M.F.C. Dautzenberg – December 13, 2022
    Trust me, I’m a validated test!? Unseen mild (cognitive) impairment and the use of the MoCA in an old age psychiatry setting.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. J. Lijmer
  2. M.J. Wagenmakers – December 2, 2022
    After ECT: The longitudinal outcome in patients with severe late-life depression treated with electroconvulsive therapy.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. D.J. Veltman
    Co-supervisors: dr. M. Oudega, dr. A. Dols
  3. C.R. van Genugten – November 25, 2022
    Measurement innovation: studies on smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment in depression.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. J.H. Smit, prof. dr. M.M. Riper
    Co-supervisors: dr. J. Schuurmans, dr. A. Hoogendoorn
  4. J. van der Lee – November 22, 2022
    Burden in primary caregivers of people with dementia: a clinical-empirical exploration of its determinants and treatment.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Droes, prof. dr. E.J. Finnema
    Co-supervisors: dr. T.J.E.M. Bakker, dr. H.J. Duivenvoorden
  5. C.J. Weeland – November 21, 2022
    Neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children from the general population.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel, prof. dr. H. Tiemeier
    Co-supervisors: dr. T.J.H. White, dr. C. Vriend
  6. A. Noort – November 15, 2022
    Grasped by what cannot be grasped. Religious delusions in late life psychosis: studies in the Bible Belt of the Netherlands.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. A.W. Braam
  7. L.D. de Mooij – November 14, 2022
    Just enough for the city? How patients with severe mental illness have fared since deinstitutionalization.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker, prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. M.J. Kikkert
  8. A. Barakat – November 10, 2022
    In pursuit of the added value of Intensive Home Treatment.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker
    Co-supervisor: dr. M. Blankers
  9. R.C. Waumans – November 9, 2022
    Factors impacting on treatment-seeking and treatment engagement in adolescents and adults with anxiety and depressive disorders.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.J.L.M. van Balkom
    Co-supervisors: dr. N.M. Batelaan, dr. A.D.T. Muntingh
  10. I.H. Hendriks –  June 17, 2022.
    The art of personalising psychosocial interventions for people with dementia. Development, evaluation and implementation. 
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Droes, prof. dr. D.L. Gerritsen
    Co-supervisor: dr. F.J.M. Meiland
  11. N. Schutter – February 3, 2022
    Loneliness and social isolation in older adults: consequences, vulnerability and the role of depression.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. M.L. Stek, prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker
    Co-supervisors: dr. H.C. Comijs, dr. T.J. Holwerda
  12. R.J.W. Vijverberg – January 31, 2022
    Care needs of children and adolescents in psychiatry: steps towards personalized mental healthcare. 
    Supervisors: prof. Dr. B.K.G. van Meijel, prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. R. Ferdinand
  13. E. Nadort – January 19, 2022
    Depression and anxiety in dialysis patients.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. P.C. van Oppen, prof. dr. F.W. Dekker
    Co-supervisors: dr. C.E.H. Siegert, dr. B.F.P. Broekman


Dissertations Amsterdam UMC, department of psychiatry, location VUmc (VU University) in 20212023-11-29T15:09:43+01:00
  1. Arnold van der Lee – December 20, 2021
    Continuity of care for patients with a severe mental disorder.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD, prof. dr. L. de Haan MD, PhD
  2. Hansje Heller – December 13, 2021
    Affective dysregulation in pregnancy.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A. Honig, MD, PhD, prof. dr. C.J.M. de Groot, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: prof. dr. A. van Straten, PhD, dr. B.F.P. Broekman MD, PhD
  3. Wicher Bokma – December 10, 2021
    Worrying about the future: towards evidence-based prognosis in anxiety disorders.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.J.L.M van Balkom MD, PhD
    Co-supervisor: prof.dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD
  4. Joeke van der Molen-van Santen – December 3, 2021
    Remember to play… and stay active! Evaluation of the effects, cost-effectiveness and implementation of exergaming for people living with dementia and their informal caregivers.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Dröes, PhD, prof. dr. A. van Straten, PhD
  5. Bianca Lever-van Milligen – November 16, 2021
    The interplay between depression, anxiety and objectively measured physical function.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD , prof. dr. J.H. Smit, PhD
    Co-supervisor: dr. ir. F. Lamers, PhD
  6. Sonia Difrancesco – October 28, 2021
    Sleep, circadian rhythms and physical activity in depression and anxiety: The role of ambulatory assessment tools.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD
    Co-supervisor: dr. ir. F. Lamers, PhD
  7. Angela Carlier – October 15, 2021
    Biomarkers and electroconvulsive therapy in late-life depression.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. M.L. Stek, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: dr. D. Rhebergen, MD, PhD, dr. E. van Exe, MD, PhD
  8. Ilja Saris – October 13, 2021
    Together alone: Social dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD
    Co-supervisor: dr. M. Aghajani, PhD
  9. Yvonne Kerkhof – October 8, 2021
    Digital support for self-management and meaningful activities of people with mild dementia. Development, implementation and feasibility of a person-centred touch-screen intervention.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Dröes, prof. dr. M.J.L. Graff
    Co-supervisors: dr. H.M. de Vocht †, dr. A. Bergsma
  10. Sanne Swart – October 5, 2021
    The course of survivors of early childhood trauma and emotional neglect: never easy, but worth it?
    Supervisor: prof. dr. J.H. Smit, PhD
    Co-supervisor: dr. N. Draijer, PhD, dr. W. Langeland, PhD
  11. Tim van Balkom – October 4, 2021
    The profiles and practice of cognitive function in parkinson’s disease.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel, MD, PhD ,prof. dr. H.W. Berendse, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: dr. C. Vriend, PhD, prof. dr. Y.D. van den Werf, PhD
  12. Esther Krijnen- de Bruin – June 17, 2021
    Relapse prevention in patients with anxiety or depressive disorders.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. B.K.G. van Meijel, prof. dr. A. van Straten
    Co-supervisors: dr. A.D.T Muntingh, PhD, dr. N.M. Batelaan, MD, PhD
  13. Laura Han – June 4, 2021
    Biological aging in major depressive disorder.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD
    Co-supervisor: dr. M. Aghajani, PhD
  14. Ires Ghielen – April 23, 2021
    Surfing the waves of Parkinson’s disease: Understanding and treating anxiety in the context of motor symptoms.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel MD, PhD, dr. E.E.H. van Wegen
    Co-supervisor: dr. S. Rutten, MD, PhD
  15. Trees Juurlink – January 26, 2021
    Occupational functioning in personality disorders: a quantitative, qualitative and semi-experimental approach.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD , prof. dr. J.R. Anema, PhD
    Co-supervisors: dr. F. Lamers, PhD, dr. H.J.F. van Marle, MD, PhD
Dissertations Amsterdam UMC, department of psychiatry, location VUmc (VU University) in 20202023-11-29T15:09:35+01:00
  1. Renske Bosman – November 20, 2020
    Improving the long-term prognosis of anxiety disorders: Clinical course, chronicity and antidepressant use.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.J.L.M. van Balkom
    Co-supervisors: dr. N.M. Batelaan, dr. A.D.T. Muntingh
  2. Robbert Schouten – November 4, 2020
    Anxiety, depression and adverse clinical outcomes in dialysis patients. Should we do more?
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A. Honig, prof. dr. F.W. Dekker
    Co-supervisor: dr. C.E.H. Siegert
  3. Mayke Mol – November 3, 2020
    Uptake of internet-based therapy for depression: the role of the therapist.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. J.H. Smit, prof. dr. M.M. Riper
    Co-supervisor: dr. D.J.F. van Schaik, dr. E. Dozeman
  4. Richard Dinga – September 18, 2020
    Evaluation of machine learning models in psychiatry.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx, prof. dr. D.J. Veltman
    Co-supervisors: dr. A.F. Marquant, dr. L. Schmaal
  5. Carisha Thesing – May 13, 2020
    Fatty acids in depressive and anxiety disorders: fishing for answers.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. B.W.J.H. Penninx
    Co-supervisors: dr. M. Bot, dr. Y. Milaneschi, dr. E.J. Giltay
Dissertations Amsterdam UMC, department of psychiatry, location VUmc (VU University) in 20192023-11-29T15:09:26+01:00
  1. Premika Boedhoe – June 5, 2019
    The structure of the obsessive-compulsive brain: a worlwide effort.
    Supervisor: prof. O.A. van den Heuvel, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisor: L. Schmaal, PhD
  2. Ruth Klaming-Miller – May 28, 2019
    Vulnerability of memory function and the hippocampus. Risk and protective factors from neuropsychological and neuroimaging perspectives.
    Supervisor: prof. D.J. Veltman, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: H.C. Comijs, PhD; J. Annese, PhD 
  3. Hans Jeuring – April 12, 2019
    Time trends and long-term outcome of late-life depression: an epidemiological perspective.
    Supervisors: prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD; prof. M.L. Stek, MD,PhD
    Co-supervisors: H.C. Comijs, PhD; M. Huisman, PhD
  4. Sascha Struijs – April 2,2019
    Psychological vulnerability in depressive and anxiety disorders.
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. Ph. Spinhoven, PhD
    Co-supervisor: F. Lamers, PhD
  5. Mandy Hu – March 11, 2019
    Cardiac autonomic activity in depression and anxiety. Heartfelt affilctions of the mind.
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. E.J.C. de Geus, PhD
    Co-supervisor: F. Lamers, PhD
  6. Jan Mokkenstorm – March 8, 2019
    On the road to zero suicides. Implementation studies.
    Supervisors: prof. J.H. Smit, PhD; prof. A. Kerkhof, PhD; prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD
  7. Claudia Schuurhuizen – March 1, 2019
    Optimizing psychosocial support and symptom management for patients with advanced cancer: the TES cluster randomized trial. 
    Supervisors: prof. J. Dekker, PhD; prof. H. Verheul, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: I. Konings, PhD; A. Braamse, PhD
  8. Deborah Gibson-Smith – February 12, 2019
    The weight of depression. Epidemiological studies into obesity, dietary intake and mental health. (NESDA/ MoodFOOD) 
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD ; prof. M. Visser, PhD ; prof. I. Brouwer, PhD
    Co-supervisor: M. Bot, PhD
  9. Nadine Paans – February 11, 2019
    When you carry the weight of the world not only on your shoulders. Factors associating depression and obesity. (NESDA/MoodFOOD) 
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. M. Visser, PhD; prof. I. Brouwer, PhD
    Co-supervisor : M. Bot, PhD
  10. Sonja Rutten – February 1, 2019
    Shedding light on depressive, anxiety and sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease.
    Supervisors: prof. O.A. van den Heuvel, MD, PhD; prof. PhDY.D. van der Werf, PhD
    Co-supervisors: prof. H.W. Berendse, MD, PhD; C. Vriend, PhD
  11. Laura Blok- van Velzen – January 11, 2019
    The stressed and depressed brain.
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. D.J. Veltman, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisor: L. Schmaal, PhD


Dissertations VUmc psychiatry (VU University Amsterdam) in 20182023-11-29T15:09:17+01:00
  1. Ilse Wielaard – December 14, 2018
    Childhood abuse and late-life depression. (NESDO)
    Supervisor: prof. M.L. Stek, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors:  H.C. Comijs, PhD;  D. Rhebergen, MD, PhD
  2. Margot Metz – December 12, 2018
    Shared decision making in mental health care: the added value for patients and clinicians.
    Supervisors: prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD; prof. C.M. van der Feltz-Cornelis, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisor: M.A. Veerbeek, PhD; prof. E. de Beurs, MD, PhD
  3. Dora Wynchank, MD – December 4, 2018
    The rythm of adult ADHD. On the relationships between ADHD, sleep and aging. (NESDA)
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: J.J.S. Kooij, MD, PhD; D. Bijlenga, PhD
  4. Jolanda Meeuwissen – November 7, 2018
    The case for stepped care. Exploring the applicability and cost-utility of stepped care strategies in the management of depression.
    Supervisors: prof. A.J.L.M. van Balkom, MD, PhD; prof. F. Smit, PhD
  5. Marleen Wildschut – November 6, 2018 
    Survivors of early childhood trauma and emotional neglect: Who are they and what’s their diagnosis? 
    Supervisor: prof. J.H. Smit, PhD
    Co-supervisors: N. Draijer, PhD; W. Langeland, PhD
  6. Roxanne Gaspersz, MD – October 2, 2018
    Heterogeneity of Major Depressive Disorder: the role of anxious distress. (NESDA)
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD
    Co-supervisor: F. Lamers, PhD
  7. Flora Gossink, MD – April 20, 2018
    Late Onset Behavioral Changes: differentiating between bvFTD and psychiatric disorders in clinical practice.
    Supervisor: prof. M.L. Stek, MD, PhD; prof P. Scheltens, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisors: A. Dols, PhD; Y. Pijnenburg, MD, PhD
  8. Bart Hattink – April 12, 2018
    Needs-based enabling- and care technology for people with dementia and their carers. 
    Supervisor: prof. R.M. Dröes, PhD
    Co-supervisor: F.J.M. Meiland, PhD
  9. Roxanne Schaakxs – February 22, 2018
    Major depressive disorder across the life span: the role of chronological and biological age. (NESDA/NESDO)
    Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD
    Co-supervisor: H. Comijs, PhD

Dissertations VUmc department of psychiatry 2010-2017

Dissertations VUmc psychiatry (VU University Amsterdam) in 2017-and before2023-11-29T15:09:02+01:00
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