- Premika Boedhoe – June 5, 2019
The structure of the obsessive-compulsive brain: a worlwide effort.
Supervisor: prof. O.A. van den Heuvel, MD, PhD
Co-supervisor: L. Schmaal, PhD - Ruth Klaming-Miller – May 28, 2019
Vulnerability of memory function and the hippocampus. Risk and protective factors from neuropsychological and neuroimaging perspectives.
Supervisor: prof. D.J. Veltman, MD, PhD
Co-supervisors: H.C. Comijs, PhD; J. Annese, PhD - Hans Jeuring – April 12, 2019
Time trends and long-term outcome of late-life depression: an epidemiological perspective.
Supervisors: prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD; prof. M.L. Stek, MD,PhD
Co-supervisors: H.C. Comijs, PhD; M. Huisman, PhD - Sascha Struijs – April 2,2019
Psychological vulnerability in depressive and anxiety disorders.
Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. Ph. Spinhoven, PhD
Co-supervisor: F. Lamers, PhD - Mandy Hu – March 11, 2019
Cardiac autonomic activity in depression and anxiety. Heartfelt affilctions of the mind.
Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. E.J.C. de Geus, PhD
Co-supervisor: F. Lamers, PhD - Jan Mokkenstorm – March 8, 2019
On the road to zero suicides. Implementation studies.
Supervisors: prof. J.H. Smit, PhD; prof. A. Kerkhof, PhD; prof. A.T.F. Beekman, MD, PhD - Claudia Schuurhuizen – March 1, 2019
Optimizing psychosocial support and symptom management for patients with advanced cancer: the TES cluster randomized trial.
Supervisors: prof. J. Dekker, PhD; prof. H. Verheul, MD, PhD
Co-supervisors: I. Konings, PhD; A. Braamse, PhD - Deborah Gibson-Smith – February 12, 2019
The weight of depression. Epidemiological studies into obesity, dietary intake and mental health. (NESDA/ MoodFOOD)
Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD ; prof. M. Visser, PhD ; prof. I. Brouwer, PhD
Co-supervisor: M. Bot, PhD - Nadine Paans – February 11, 2019
When you carry the weight of the world not only on your shoulders. Factors associating depression and obesity. (NESDA/MoodFOOD)
Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. M. Visser, PhD; prof. I. Brouwer, PhD
Co-supervisor : M. Bot, PhD - Sonja Rutten – February 1, 2019
Shedding light on depressive, anxiety and sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease.
Supervisors: prof. O.A. van den Heuvel, MD, PhD; prof. PhDY.D. van der Werf, PhD
Co-supervisors: prof. H.W. Berendse, MD, PhD; C. Vriend, PhD - Laura Blok- van Velzen – January 11, 2019
The stressed and depressed brain.
Supervisors: prof. B.W.J.H. Penninx, PhD; prof. D.J. Veltman, MD, PhD
Co-supervisor: L. Schmaal, PhD