1. G.M.F.C. Dautzenberg – December 13, 2022
    Trust me, I’m a validated test!? Unseen mild (cognitive) impairment and the use of the MoCA in an old age psychiatry setting.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. J. Lijmer
  2. M.J. Wagenmakers – December 2, 2022
    After ECT: The longitudinal outcome in patients with severe late-life depression treated with electroconvulsive therapy.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. D.J. Veltman
    Co-supervisors: dr. M. Oudega, dr. A. Dols
  3. C.R. van Genugten – November 25, 2022
    Measurement innovation: studies on smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment in depression.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. J.H. Smit, prof. dr. M.M. Riper
    Co-supervisors: dr. J. Schuurmans, dr. A. Hoogendoorn
  4. J. van der Lee – November 22, 2022
    Burden in primary caregivers of people with dementia: a clinical-empirical exploration of its determinants and treatment.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Droes, prof. dr. E.J. Finnema
    Co-supervisors: dr. T.J.E.M. Bakker, dr. H.J. Duivenvoorden
  5. C.J. Weeland – November 21, 2022
    Neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children from the general population.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel, prof. dr. H. Tiemeier
    Co-supervisors: dr. T.J.H. White, dr. C. Vriend
  6. A. Noort – November 15, 2022
    Grasped by what cannot be grasped. Religious delusions in late life psychosis: studies in the Bible Belt of the Netherlands.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. A.W. Braam
  7. L.D. de Mooij – November 14, 2022
    Just enough for the city? How patients with severe mental illness have fared since deinstitutionalization.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker, prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. M.J. Kikkert
  8. A. Barakat – November 10, 2022
    In pursuit of the added value of Intensive Home Treatment.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman, prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker
    Co-supervisor: dr. M. Blankers
  9. R.C. Waumans – November 9, 2022
    Factors impacting on treatment-seeking and treatment engagement in adolescents and adults with anxiety and depressive disorders.
    Supervisor: prof. dr. A.J.L.M. van Balkom
    Co-supervisors: dr. N.M. Batelaan, dr. A.D.T. Muntingh
  10. I.H. Hendriks –  June 17, 2022.
    The art of personalising psychosocial interventions for people with dementia. Development, evaluation and implementation. 
    Supervisors: prof. dr. R.M. Droes, prof. dr. D.L. Gerritsen
    Co-supervisor: dr. F.J.M. Meiland
  11. N. Schutter – February 3, 2022
    Loneliness and social isolation in older adults: consequences, vulnerability and the role of depression.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. M.L. Stek, prof. dr. J.J.M. Dekker
    Co-supervisors: dr. H.C. Comijs, dr. T.J. Holwerda
  12. R.J.W. Vijverberg – January 31, 2022
    Care needs of children and adolescents in psychiatry: steps towards personalized mental healthcare. 
    Supervisors: prof. Dr. B.K.G. van Meijel, prof. dr. A.T.F. Beekman
    Co-supervisor: dr. R. Ferdinand
  13. E. Nadort – January 19, 2022
    Depression and anxiety in dialysis patients.
    Supervisors: prof. dr. P.C. van Oppen, prof. dr. F.W. Dekker
    Co-supervisors: dr. C.E.H. Siegert, dr. B.F.P. Broekman