Dr. Josine Verhoeven, PhD

Psychologist and postdoc researcher

Josine E. Verhoeven is psychologist and post-doctoral researcher at the department of psychiatry, Amsterdam UMC/VUmc, and GGZ inGeest. Her overarching research interest is to better understand the risk factors, course and consequences of depressive and anxiety disorders, both conditions that can cause immense suffering and for which current treatments are often unsatisfactory. In her work as a researcher she wants to help answer important questions such as: What prognosis do persons with depressive and anxiety disorder have? Can we predict who is at high risk for an unfavorable course? Who will respond to which treatment, and why? What is the role of physiology (e.g. biomarkers) in these questions?

Between 2012 and 2016 she did her PhD with prof. Brenda Penninx and prof. Patricia van Oppen at GGZ inGeest/VUmc. Her doctoral thesis was accredited with the highest honors (cum laude), reflecting a position among the top 5 percent. Find more information about this thesis at VU-DARE.

Josine Verhoeven

Contact information

Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
Department of Psychiatry / GGZ inGeest
Oldenaller 1, 1081 HL Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 788 4637

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