Meta-analysis on CBT for patients with severe social anxiety disorder symptoms
The Academic Workplace Anxiety is proud to announce a new publication in JAMA Psychiatry. This publication is the result of a collaboration of the Academic Workplace Anxiety of GGZ inGeest and international colleagues.
The main finding in the study is that clinicians of people with social anxiety disorder should not hesitate to use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in people with severe symptoms. The meta-analysis of individual patient data (IPDMA) showed that people with severe social anxiety disorder had a greater (waitlist-controlled) reduction in symptoms after CBT than people with milder symptoms.
Involved in the Academic Workplace Anxiety are: Willemijn Scholten, Adrie Seldenrijk, Adriaan Hoogendoorn, Renske Bosman, Anna Muntingh, Ton van Balkom and Neeltje Batelaan.