Prof. dr. Patricia van Oppen, PhD

Psychologist and professor of psychotherapy in psychiatry

Patricia van Oppen is professor of psychotherapy in psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc and clinical psychologist/psychotherapist at GGZ inGeest. She is chair of the academic workplace depression and also chair of the KP-opleiding: the education program for clinical psychotherapists within GGZ inGeest.

Patricia is principal investigator of the NOCDA study: the Netherlands OCD association. Her key interests are the trajectory of anxiety symptoms/diagnoses; specific instrument validation; intiating new intervention studies in primary care and secondary care and  treatment and assessement of obsessive compulsive disorders.

Patricia van Oppen

Contact information

GGZ inGeest
Research & Innovation
Oldenaller 1, 1081 HL
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 
T: (+)31-(0)20-7884535
Secretary:  Ingeborg Hagen

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