Research projects department of psychiatry and neuropsychiatry on soma & psyche

Currently active or recruiting:

  • BEWARE – Body awareness training in Parkinson’s disease
  • Chemistry of obsessions – investigating OCD using a 7Tesla MRI scanner
  • COGTIPS – Cognitive Training in Parkinson Study
  • Shared Decision Making (Samen Beslissen)– ROM at the hospital psychiatry outpatient (in preparation)
  • EMOCA – distinguishing adaptive and maladaptive emotions in patients with cancer
  • Generation R – population-based study on neurodevelopment and OCD
  • OBS – Obsessive-Compulsive brain signatures
  • ParkSpective – The subjective experience of Parkinson’s disease (PD) from the perspective from the individual with PD

Analyzing data:

  • NET-QUBIC – mental health in head-en neck cancer