Dr. Hein van Marle, MD, PhD
Psychiatrist and senior researcher
Hein van Marle is a psychiatrist and principal investigator at the Department of Psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC location VUmc, GGZ inGeest and ARQ.
Hein studied Medicine at the University of Amsterdam. In 2001-2003, under the financial support of a Fulbright Scholarship, he worked as a research assistant at the Department of Physiology and Neuroscience at New York University Medical School. During his PhD at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in Nijmegen (2007-2011), he combined neuroimaging (fMRI), sleep recordings, stress induction, pharmacological manipulation and various memory tasks in an initial attempt to translate animal findings on stress to the systems level in humans. In 2010, he started his psychiatry residency at AMC and from 2014 onwards he is working in his current position at GGZ inGeest and Amsterdam UMC (location VUmc).
As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist his general research aim is to apply cognitive neuroscience to come to a more profound understanding of psychiatric disease and to develop novel, theory-driven treatments. His current research focuses on the role of sleep and (sleep-dependent) memory processing in the etiology and treatment of trauma-related disorders and personality disorders. He specifically aims to translate basic research findings on memory augmentation during sleep to the patient-level in an attempt to increase therapeutic effectiveness of existing treatments. He uses sleep recordings and neuroimaging to elucidate the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. His research is sponsored by a ZonMw VENI grant, a NWO Off Road grant, 2 Narsad Young Investigator Grants from the US-based Brain & Behavior Research foundation and grants from the Dutch Brain Foundation.
Clinically, Hein works as a trauma-focused psychiatrist at ARQ National Psychotrauma centre and GGZ inGeest.

Contact information
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
Department of Anatomy & Neurosciences
De Boelelaan 1108
P.O. Box 7057, 1007 MB
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting location: Human and Life Sciences Building (O2, 13 W55)
Tel +31 (0)20-4448040 / +31 (0)20 444 5900