Research project
PROSPER, the Prediction and treatment outcome study in PTSD and personality disorders, is a project that takes place at the Sinai Center, a center specialized in psychotrauma in adults. Kathleen Thomaes, psychiatrist Sinai Center/senior researcher department of psychiatry of Amsterdam UMC/VUmc, is the principal investigator. Prof J. Dekker, Research Arkin, prof. Aartjan Beekman, prof. Odile van den Heuvel, and dr. Chris Vriend of the department of psychiatry of Amsterdam UMC/VUmc are involved in this project.
The PROSPER study aims to investigate if integrated trauma-related personality therapy is more effective than PTSD treatment in patients with PTSD and a personality disorder and individual predictors of treatment. Specifically, in patients with PTSD and borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), the effect of EMDR vs. integrated EMDR/Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT) will be compared. In patients with PTSD and a cluster C personality disorder, Imagary Rescripting therapy (ImRs) will be compared with integrated ImRs/Schema Focused therapy (SFT). Candidate predictors (psychological and neurobiological markers, such as stress hormones and brain activity during an emotional faces task) will be used to build an individualized prediction model.

Contact information
Inga Aarts, Aishah Snoek and Arne van den End