Prof. dr. Odile van den Heuvel, MD, PhD

Psychiatrist and professor of neuropsychiatry

Odile A. van den Heuvel is psychiatrist and professor of neuropsychiatry at the department of anatomy and neurosciences and psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC/VUmc. Odile is program leader of the program Compulsivity, Impulsivity and Attention  and chair of the international ENIGMA-OCD consortium. 

As psychiatrist her main focus in clinical work is neuropsychiatry with specific focus on the neuropsychiatric disorders in Parkinson’s disease. Her research focuses on the mechanisms underlying cognitive, emotional and behavioral disturbances in both mental disorders (e.g. obsessive-compulsive disorder and related anxiety and neurodevelopmental disorders) and neurological disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s disease). Translation between bed and bench is central to understand psychopathology and to develop innovative treatments.

Odile van den Heuvel

Contact information

Team Neuropsychiatry is located in the O|2 building

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