Several research projects at our department recently started recruiting participants. Good luck with recruiting!
- OPERA: the Netherlands study of Optimal, PERsonalized Antidepressant use.
- arrIBA: effectiveness and working mechanism of a relatively new treatment for OCD: the Inference Based Approach (IBA).
- GRIP: effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy focused on suicide prevention (CBT-sp).
- URIS: Ultra-high Resolution Imaging of the Subcortex in patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
- RADAR-CNS: Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Central Nervous System Disorders, focusing on depression. We are currently recruiting people from the NESDA study.
- BrainFit: online cognitive training in older patients with mood disorders and subjective cognitive complaints.
- TIPICCO: TMS Induced Plasticity Improving Cognitive Control in OCD.
- BLOK: treating sleep disorders with cognitive behavioral therapy in older patients with mood disorders.
- CASPAR: Continuous Assessment for Suicide Prevention and Research.
- MARIO: Mood And Resilience In Offsping: will start recruiting children of parents with an affective disorder in October.