Research projects department of psychiatry on depression/MDD

Currently active or recruiting:

  • OPERA – Optimal, Personalized Antidepressant use
  • MARIO – Mood and Resilience in Offspring
  • BLOK – pilot study fot treating sleep disorders in older patients with mood disorders
  • BrainFit – online cognitive training for older patients with mood disorders
  • EINSTEIN – internet-based treatment of insomnia in depressed patients 
  • NESDA – Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety
  • Social Brain Project – social behaviour in dementia and depression
  • RADAR-CNS – electronic monitoring assessments (EMA) in depression (EU Horizon 2020 project)
  • RECALL – Rivastigmine for ECT-included Cognitive Adverse effects in Late Life Depression
  • URIS-MDD – Ultra-High resolution Imaging of the Subcortex in Major Depressive Disorder

Analyzing data:

  • ALERT – victimization among depressive patients
  • APT – adolescents’ preference for depression treatment
  • E-Compared – effectiveness of internet-based depression treatment (EU FP7 project)
  • Freqmech – options for treatment of depression
  • Get Ready – E-health for relapse prevention
  • ImpleMentAll – cost-effectiveness of e-health implementations (EU Horizon 2020 project) 
  • iSleep & Mood – online treatment of sleep problems in depression
  • LIFEBRAIN – Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience (EU Horizon 2020 project)
  • MasterMind – introducing online CBT in depression (EU project)
  • MODECT – Mood Disorders in Elderly treated with ECT
  • MooDFOOD – preventing depression through food (EU FP7 project)
  • MOTAR – mood treatment with antidepressants or running
  • NESDO – Netherlands Study of Depression in Older persons
  • PReDicT – Predicting Response to Depression Treatment
  • PRISM – a biological approach to the understanding of neuropsychiatric diseases

Collaborative networks or consortia:

  • BIONIC – Biobank Netherlands Internet Collaboration
  • GECCO – Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium
  • ENIGMA-MDD – international network identifying imaging markers for depression
  • Stress in Action – understanding daily-life stress